Quadient Cares | Philanthropy Programme



a photo of volunteers in green t-shirts

As a responsible and social player, Quadient gives great importance to the proximity of its teams with NGOs in local communities where the Company is present.

For many years, Quadient employees are thus encouraged to implement and take part in charity activities in line with its EPIC values, in all the countries where the Company operates. If you want to learn more about our engagement towards communities, please read the dedicated section in our 2023 Non-Financial Performance Statement.

Quadient also wants to strengthen the dialog with its external stakeholders and have a positive social impact on communities. He also recently implemented a CSR strategy with 3 pillars and, among them a Philanthropy pillar, to engage and support the communities. If you want to learn more about our CSR strategy: Quadient's Corporate Social Responsibility

Quadient offers several opportunities of engagement for its employees to share their skills, knowledge, and know-how by giving their time. These opportunities include volunteering, skills-based sponsorship, donations and sponsored projects.

6 people sat down in a row smiling and holding thought bubbles made of cardboard

This is why Quadient recently launched a global philanthropy program

an image with UN goals 4,5,8,10,12 and a few women from diverse backgrounds smiling

Quadient Cares is the new citizen commitment program built for Quadient’s employees. It embodies the Company values and focuses on three main causes:

  • Quality education and decent work;
  • Inclusion and diversity;
  • Environment: waste and pollution reduction.

The Company also continues to support its historical partners.

They all contribute to 5 UN Sustainable Development Goals, making sure that the Company's efforts achieve worthwhile results. Quadient is also a signatory of the UN Global Compact since March 8, 2021.

Quadient’s Philanthropy Policy sets out our ambition, role and commitment to driving meaningful change. This policy builds on existing volunteering initiatives to get the best results for the causes we support. 

This provides the framework for volunteering, skill-based sponsorship, financial donations and fundraising, in kind support, enrollment process of new non-profit organizations, grants allocation, matching challenges.

Quadient offers every employee one volunteer day per year (and even 2 days in the UK and Ireland) to volunteer in charity projects that support these causes.

a curly haired woman wearing glasses presenting something to her work colleagues, all sat side by side at a desk in an office

A platform to engage employees under the Quadient Cares program

Volunteers planting trees

Quadient has launched in 2021 Quadient Cares, a global philanthropy program but also a world-wide employee engagement platform. The aim of this platform is to increase the reach of Quadient’s relationship and dialogue with local communities and external stakeholders, that share the same values and can work collectively towards the same objectives. 

In this way, Quadient also wants to give the opportunity to its employees to volunteer through skills and time sharing to support charities as well as get involved in social and environmental projects in their area.

Furthermore, in March 2022, the Company launched Quadient Cares Relief Fund first to support financially Ukrainian employees during the war but also to help colleagues affected by natural disasters.

Finally, Quadient wants to make its EPIC value of ‘Community’ part of its employees’ daily lives, supporting projects that are close to all their hearts and areas of interest. It promotes sharing, social bonding and fosters creativity and innovation. Volunteering also gives meaning to the daily work of employees.

Quadient’s goal is to make not just meaningful connections with its communities, but a meaningful contribution to society with a significant impact.

Corporate events such as the Group's participation in World Cleanup Day in September or the organization of Giving Month in November, with concrete actions on the field, aim to develop employee involvement in this program.

Since 2021 a total of 310,520 euros were collected for projects of general interest in sectors such as education, health and social assistance, and inclusion & diversity. Among the beneficiaries of the supported actions are young people and women.

Epic ensenble
Our existing partners
Quadient supports more than 100 charities, NGOs and international projects worldwide each year. Here are a few examples of partners at global or local level.

SOS Children's Villages

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Surfrider Foundation Europe

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If you want to learn more about our commitment towards communities, you can read the dedicated part in our Non Financial Performance Statement

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